Come worship with Us!
To all who struggle and desire victory; to all who sin and need forgiveness; to all who are anxious and need peace; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who are sensitive and look for service; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; to whomsoever will – this Church opens wide its doors and bids you welcome in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord!” “Enter this Church, therefore, not as a stranger, but as the guest of God. Come then into God’s presence with joy in your hearts and thanks on your lips, offering God your love and service. Beseech God’s blessing on those who minister and worship here, and may that blessing rest on you forever.
About Us
The Overall Mission of Wayman Good Hope African Methodist Episcopal Church is first and foremost in compliance with the general Mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church as noted in The Book of Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church which states, “The “Mission of the A.M.E. Church is to minister to the social, spiritual, and physical development of all people.”
Sunday 10:00am
Pastor Joseph R. Brown, Sr. is an Ordained Itinerant Elder in the AME Church. He is a native of Coosaw Island, Beaufort, SC. He is married to Carolyn B. Brown and is the very proud father of four beautiful daughters and a son, Victoria Moriah, Janelle Chastity, JoAnna Elizabeth, ViVianne Carol and Joseph Ray, Jr.
Pastor Brown served as a pastor in the 7th Episcopal District for 20 years. During his 20 years of ministry, he held a pastorate at four charges prior to coming to the 2nd Episcopal District where he currently serves. He served as Pastor of James Chapel AME, Lugoff, SC (six years); Mount Hebron AME, Prosperity, SC (five years); Pleasant Grove AME, Newberry, SC (six years) and Greater Mt. Pisgah AME, St. Matthew, SC (three years). At all pastoral appointment, young people became involved, intergenerational ministry with our elderly took place and a significant amount of men either joined and or returned to the churches. The fruit especially of the men have remained. He was asked to preach the Pastor’s Anniversary at his first charge in April 2016 and saw many of the men still in place serving in the household of faith. Truly, to God be the glory.
Pastor Brown transferred into the 2nd Episcopal District in 2017. He was assigned the pastorate of St. Paul AME – Dickerson, MD at the 68th Session of the Washington Annual Conference. On July 28, 2020, he was assigned the pastorate of Wayman Good Hope AME, Severna Park, MD. It has been Pastor Brown’s esteemed honor and privilege to serve God’s people at the charges he has been appointed and is extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve and minister to His sheep.
Pastor Brown earned his bachelor’s degree in Social Studies with a minor in Business Education from Benedict College in Columbia SC, a master’s degree in School Administration from Cambridge College in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is certified by the state of Maryland as an Administrator in Education with his Advance Professional Certificate License. He is also certified with the South Carolina Department of Education as a Secondary Supervisor and Principal. He has done additional graduate studies at the University of South Carolina, the Citadel and Yale Universities.
Pastor Brown has worked with the Interfaith Community, Lexington Richland Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council (LRADAC), Professional Counseling Agencies and many other treatment facilities and outreach centers. In 1997 he was certified as a Primary Prevention Specialist with the SC Association of Prevention Professionals and Advocates (SCAPPA). He was also certified in 1991 as an Operating Room Specialist with the United States Army. He has worked as a mentor with the MENTOR AT THE GATE Program; he was a community advocate with the Boys and Girls Club for many years and a Juvenile Arbitrator for our youth.
He served as Program Director of Bethel AME Learning Centers, Columbia SC, which provided supervision and management for the Child Development Center, the Bethel Academy (1st -5th grades), and the Excellence in Education Afterschool Program (1st -8th grades). He taught Economics, Global Studies, U.S and American Government and African American History at Columbia High School, Columbia SC. At Blythewood Academy, Blythewood SC, he served as Department Chair, Diversity Coordinator and United Way Coordinator.
This preacher-teacher has a broad and varied base of experiences spanning education, business and community service. He was one of the Member Managers of a corporation he and his wife founded that was involved in major business development, primarily targeting the inner cities, and low income individuals to provide affordable housing to principally low income residents for 12 years. Their desire was to draw the religious community’s attention to the advantages of redeveloping and investing in less visible communities. He strives to demonstrate productivity and leadership in the advancement of teaching group economics and politics to churches and community groups.
Under the leading of the Holy Spirit Pastor Brown made the decision to transfer from the 7th Episcopal District and the Richland County District Two School system to the 2nd Episcopal District and the Prince George Public School system. The decision was difficult. However, he and his wife believe that this is what the Lord would have them to do in this season. They believe that this move would provide greater opportunities for growth and development in the field of education and ministry. Pastor and Sister Brown fully understand that education and liberation through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit is at the core of growing God’s people from the inside out. This is essential for our Zion to be a viable force in the communities in which they serve. To all that is said above, he gives praise and glory to his Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ!